Designing an Ownership Chain Management Process to Catalyze the Building of Self-Multiplying, Sustainable, and Transformative Kingdom Movements in a Western Context

by E. Andréas Andersson
June 1st, 2024
The difficulties of the Western Church to grow and holistically impact its communities call for a new approach—one
that is based on rediscovering the mechanisms underpinning the building of flourishing Kingdom movements. In this dissertation, the new concept of ownership chain management (OCM) is introduced as a catalytic and strategic tool in the movement-building process. The results show how the OCM process, based on the iterative six-step disciple-making model of Jesus of Nazareth, can be tailored to suit the specific conditions of Western Kingdom movements, thereby helping them optimize their potential for exponential growth, long-term viability, and holistic community impact. Proceeding from a qualitative action research methodology, the research project involved a mix of five data
collection methods: a thorough literature study, a participant observation study with Christian leaders in Amsterdam,
consultative focus groups and informal interviews with a research core team, and semi-structured one-on-one interviews with leaders of Swedish church movements. The empirical results, analyzed by means of thematic analysis, are presented and discussed in a stand-alone book. Constituting the primary transformational strategy of
the research project, the book is an integral part of this dissertation. The major research findings consist in 11 paradigm shifts for contextualization of the Gospel and the ways of working to a Western cultural context, as well as 24 key factors for successful movement building, along with a tool for assessing movement ownership in the ISA60 movement. These findings are put together like different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to form a tailor-made OCM
process for Western Kingdom movements.