The Correlation of Church Growth and Spiritual Revival: Reproducing the Brownsville Experience at Hermiston Christian Center
by Michael J. Johnson
June 1st, 1998
We live in a tremendous day! Word of revival and renewal is spreading across America and around the world. Many are traveling to 'hot spots,' in search of the manifest presence of God. The great hope is that somehow, revival can be transferred from one location to another, igniting the saints and spurring rapid church growth. And the truth is, it's happening!
As revival fires spread, God is sovereignly moving in local congregations in unexpected ways. For what had previously been rare for a long season in congregational life, is now breaking forth into bloom. Salvations, healings (both physical and emotional), and the re-energizing of the church is rapidly becoming more and more common. Recalling great revivals from past American history, many parallels are being noted in today's church at revival locations. The hunger expressed by the saints for more of God has been evidenced in their prayers, activities, and physical responses to His presence.
May the flames of revival continue to be fanned