The Church Becoming a Transformative Agent in Culture is a Matter of Worldview Conversion
by Leo Frederik Bruce
June 1st, 2010
The perennial tension confronting the church and culture is how to engage culture without being absorbed by it. There is a general consensus among scholars and theologians that the church is being subverted by alternative worldviews conditioned more by culture than by Scriptural revelation.
This dissertation offers an intentional process of worldview conversion for becoming a transformational church within culture. A review of relevant literature combined with a survey that assesses participant belief on the following themes: the Bible, purpose of salvation, and the function of the church sets the stage for identifying and understanding cultural captivity. In turn, the dissertation provides a model for Christian transformational change.
The research suggests a practical process for how to change from a Christianity that is culturally conditioned to becoming a Christian transformational agent within a cultural context. This dissertation, although focusing on an American view of church and culture, provides universal principles applicable to churches within a variety of other cultural contexts