Christians Speak up on Living out Faith at Work
by Larry Peabody
June 1st, 2012
This dissertation studies the responses of employees in non-ecclesiastical employment to discover what they face in living out the Christian faith on the job so that pastors, with the findings, may equip them with a biblical and relevant theology of work.
The responses were collected from sixty employees, who attend three churches (urban, suburban, and rural). Each completed a forty-one-question survey that asked for answers concerning demographics, scheduling, job suitability, spiritual preparation for the workplace, opportunities for serving others, and potential difficulties in the employee role. The questionnaire included both quantitative (multiple-choice) questions and an invitation for optional qualitative comments.
Quantitative findings were entered into an Excel spreadsheet to compile statistical data and to cross-reference responses to related questions. For the benefit of pastors and church leaders, the results were linked with recommendations on presenting a biblical theology of work to congregants.