Christian Leadership Model: A Biblical Corrective to Leadership Pathologies in the African American Church
by Ronnie McCowan
June 1st, 2010
This dissertation hopes to address theological and behavioral issues in the Black Church that might also be applied elsewhere to evaluate leadership qualities. I want to combat the pathology that continues to bring much devastation to the Black Church and community in the areas of Improper Sexual Behavior, Theological Deviance, Lack of Personal Accountability, Money Mismanagement, and Ineffective or Abusive Leadership Styles.
In Chapter 1, we present the Statement of the Problem-the evident of moral compromise of African American leaders that corrupt the economic, moral, and physiological character of the African American community. In Chapter 2, we present Other Proposed Solutions-books that demonstrate the necessity of the topic of Christian Leadership Models. In Chapter 3, we present the Context of Ministry-vivid case studies where moral compromise among leaders has destroyed community. In Chapter 4, we present the Biblical and Theological Basis for the Study-examine the biblical instructions and implicit moral lessons that may benefit the community at-large. In Chapter 5, we present the Methods of Research-study the topic based on several layers of research, and address case studies of fallen Christian leaders. In Chapter 6, we present the Desired Outcome- and principles learned through the project. In Chapter 7, we present our Summary and Conclusion-addressing concerns for our youths, recommendations, and research to help fallen leaders, and how others may avoid the same pit-falls in ministry.