From Chaos to Christ-likeness--Developing Leaders that Last: An Understanding of Seven Stages of Spiritual Development to Help Leaders Start and Finish Well
by Eddie J. Fernandes
June 1st, 2008
The purpose of this book is to provide a different and fresh perspective on Christian leadership by examining seven stages of spiritual development all leaders must undergo in order to finish well. An understanding of these seven stages, with the ultimate goal of reaching and remaining in the seventh desired stage, will give leaders renewed courage, strength, passion, faith and hope to stay in the race. If leaders grasp the implications of this study and begin to practice the leadership lifestyle advocated by it, they could uncover reasons to remain true to their call. They could also learn to stand firm in their God-given vocation amid so many trials, attacks, obstacles and challenges faced by leaders who want to be transformational on a daily basis.
Leaders do not need more seminars on leadership. They do not need one more manual boasting the "how tos." They do not need more training on methods or more conferences and courses to help "take their ministries or churches to a new level." Frankly, most leaders are burning out exactly because there are just too many "gurus" out there telling them what to do. There are all types of experts telling leaders how to develop their ministries using the latest fad and trick to become bigger, brighter and better.
Leaders are suffering from information and methodology overload. As human beings they cannot assimilate all the information that is being poured out over them. This book is not about "how to do this" in order to "become like that." Rather, it is just one perspective by one leader in the trenches offered to other tired, discouraged and worn-out leaders (or wannabe leaders). It is a message of hope to help them see how precious they are and how a new paradigm of God and his world will radically change the way they experience and enjoy this awesome gift called ministry. This refreshing way of thinking will help them not only start the race out well, but more importantly, it will sustain them in the race and will hopefully help them reach the finish line to end well.