Bringing Jesus into a Dark Territory: How Can Pastors Help Transform Politics in Nigeria?

by Sola Ajibulu
June 1st, 2013
The goal of the dissertation was to explore the perceptions of Nigerian pastors and other Christians in the country regarding the role of Christians in politics. The results of the study led to the development of content for a post-dissertation public lecture and training workshop for equipping local pastors, who in turn could help transform politics in Nigeria by empowering their parishioners with relevant information for the purpose of transforming politics in Nigeria.
A survey was conducted, across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria to determine, among other things, the factors militating against Christian participation in politics and to seek possible solutions to change the status quo. Based on an analysis of research participant responses, it was concluded that the perspective of Christians regarding their involvement in politics will reflect whatever they are taught. Pastors will do well to relate the Gospel holistically as examples to their parishioners, thereby resulting in collective effort for social change.