Implementing Healthy Reproducing Korean Churches: Its' Leadership, Passionate Evangelism, and Other Essentials
by Chong O Kim
June 1st, 2006
I came to the United States from South Korea and attended Korean churches. As a Korean immigrant, my heart is with Korean immigrant churches. In chapter two I write a history of Korean immigrants to the United States.
I planted a Korean immigrant church eleven years ago without any church planting preparation. Since then I have attended several seminars and trainings related to church planting, leadership, and small groups. Through the continual trainings, I learned the states of Korean churches in America. I share in chapter three what I learned through my experience and study about Korean immigrant churches.
Korean churches have strong challenge to do ministry, however, they do not have biblical guidance to do it. The major weakness of Korean churches is that they put tradition over biblical principle. They need to distinguish between what is biblical and what is a humanly desired goal. Therefore, in chapter four I write why we need to start new churches.
So many churches already exist. Why we need another churches? I try to answer why we need Korean churches in America in chapter five.
Most Christians and churches focus on church-centered issues. Many churches are overwhelmed with many programs that use up their time, energy and other resources. How can we stay in healthy church and reproduce another healthy church in the middle of many issues in the church is what I want to answer by some cases in chapter six.
Planting a healthy church begins with healthy leadership. Therefore, I studied some biblical example, which I gained several practical principles on the issue of the leadership through the study of several biblical persons. The principle of the leadership that I found through my study is in chapter seven.
A study of passionate and wholistic evangelism presented in chapter eight has helped me discover a better way to reach out today's fast changing society without changing the message. The study of the history of evangelism helps me to select what is the best for Korean immigrant church.
With the study and experiences I state the essentials of church planting. They are in chapter nine.
For this project I contacted about 270 Korean Baptist churches in America to find out where they are in the areas of church planting. I also interviewed four church planters. In addition I interviewed three church-planting missionaries currently working in the North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention. They are one of the major resources for this writing in addition to the North American Mission Board and Puget Sound Baptist Association.
This study has helped me to gain a sound theological basis for healthy reproducing church planting, in addition to the history and statistic of language churches in America. It is my desire to be a healthy leader so I can be a part of the ministry our Lord began and to continue reproducing healthy church for the Kingdom.