Appreciative Inquiry as a Potent Strategy for Empowering the Women of Charismatic Renewal Ministries in Lagos State, Nigeria
by Passu Anayo Amaraegbu
May 17th, 2016
The purpose of this study was to empower Christian women through the strategy of Appreciative Inquiry. The population was women of Charismatic Renewal Ministries and the male leadership in Lagos State, Nigeria, while the sample consisted of those in two of the branches of the church in Lagos State. The scope of the study included discovering the source as well as forms of marginalization of women in order to establish the specific areas of women’s life to employ the Appreciative Inquiry Strategy.
An overview of the beliefs, groupthink, and perceptions of both genders in the church revealed the common challenges women face in typical African churches. These challenges women face in African churches include disparity in honor, exercise of ecclesiastical authority, and remuneration between male and female ministers as well as opportunities to occupy top leadership positions. While some churches are improving on these sensitive issues as relating to women, others are yet to commence any form of progress.
The study established the theological principle that women have equal opportunity to manifest their God-given gifts and abilities. Whenever women were (are) given opportunity as well as encouraged to perform in accordance to their gifts and skills, they did (do) so excellently. In creating a woman, God never intended to clone another male gender. The Creator was intentional, purposeful, and decisive. Consequently, there is a great need to encourage and challenge women to be their best. Among the male-dominated church and society leadership, a positive step towards women empowerment would mean to jettison the traditional African mindset of marginalizing women and become renewed in their minds.
The descriptive qualitative research tools of interviews and questionnaires were used for the study, and the research findings were consistent with study objectives. Accordingly, the methodology confirmed that the Charismatic Renewal Ministries Lagos State leadership team was actively engaged in women empowerment programs. Also, the result revealed a significant difference in the worldview of both male and females in the church.
The result of the study revealed a renewed call to adopt a paradigm shift for both genders. The men would need to appreciate the uniqueness and value of women more, while the women would need to release themselves from psychological chain of inferiority complex occasioned by an age long practice of marginalization. I recommended that to achieve this great milestone of optimum empowerment of women, the educational and enlightenment programs for both genders should begin early in childhood as well remain consistent. Finally greater opportunities should be provided for women to gain quality education as well as evolve a career policy that offers equitable opportunity to women to rise to an upper echelon of their careers in the church and society.