An Investigation into the Georgetown Solid Waste Management Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach
by Murtland R. Massiah
May 17th, 2016
As long as civilization remains, the production and accumulation of solid waste are inevitable. However, the indiscriminate disposal of such waste could prove catastrophic for public health, especially in urbanized areas unless it is properly managed. The management of solid waste can, therefore, be considered a critical and necessary public health issue. This project grappled with such a phenomenon in Georgetown, the capital city of Guyana, using an Appreciative Inquiry approach.
The research focused on the existing state of indiscriminate dumping and the haphazard collection and improper disposal of solid waste in the city. Interviews, a questionnaire, and a city consultation were the methodological approaches that were utilized to garner information about the problem. The results that were subsequently gleaned provided qualitative and quantitative information that was used to formulate an intervention strategy. Further, a system of evaluation of the intervention was also developed, and the findings were used to validate the objective of the project.
The result of the intervention demonstrated the invaluable contribution of an Appreciative Inquiry approach to problem-solving and underscored the need for a collaborative approach to addressing issues of public import.