A Holistic Assessment of the Chaplaincy Services Branch of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF): Revolutionize for Greater Relevance in the 21st Century
by Courtney Faulknor
June 26th, 2020
The Chaplaincy Services Branch (CSB) has a long history of serving the officers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF); a history that has been at times gone unrecognized for its contribution to the well-being of police personnel. One of the critical and primary desired outcomes of this research is to restore trust and confidence in the chaplaincy, which in turn must be proactively and purposefully integrated into the chaplaincy services policies. The research sought to conduct “A holistic assessment of
the chaplaincy services branch of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF): transformation for greater relevance in the 21st century.” The study utilized a mixed methodology approach to investigate the relevance of the chaplaincy and ways for improving the organization from a variety of respondents. The data collection techniques targeted 137 persons with varying interactions to the CSB, including police, executives, and chaplains. The approach taken revealed key themes of relevance, professionalism, and pastoral care. Throughout this project, issues related to the resource deficiencies of the chaplaincy emerged, along with the recognition that the chaplaincy is essential for the spiritual and psychological care of JCF personnel, especially within the context in which they work. The research questions for this project were also designed to assess the theological and psychological weaknesses of the Chaplaincy Services Branch and how it could be strengthened or restored through consistent training and proactive sessions with clients. The summary results highlight an organisation that holds a place of great importance to the well-being of police personnel and provide a basis for further inquiry into the impact of the Chaplaincy Services Branch and measures for improvement of operations.