Why did I write Question Mark? by Dr. Jim Henderson

Why did I write Question Mark? by Dr. Jim Henderson

Why did I write Question Mark?

About ten years ago the Holy Spirit began prompting me to track the behavior of Mark Driscoll.

We both live in Seattle and pastored churches here. Being a spiritual anthropologist I’m especially nosy about leaders who tell others how they should live, and I didn’t like what I was smelling around Driscoll. I began to take mental notes, talk with others, and form convictions.

In the past 90 days, we’ve witnessed the complete collapse of his spiritual project. 
While this book does not chronicle that process, it does connect it to the larger systemic issues resident in the church that enabled a “Driscoll” to emerge into the highest levels of influence in the church. I’m honored to have been involved with a number of other activists and leaders who worked hard together to see his influence end. 

The full version for purchase will be available on Facebook, Goodreads, & Barnes & Noble.