Sean Benesh, a BGU Graduate, has published his 3rd book, The Multi-Nucleated Church: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Church Planting in High-Density Cities
Book Description:
For too long church planting literature and training has been primarily focused on starting churches in low-density parts of our cities predicated upon auto-based commuting patterns. However, the reality of the global city is that millions upon millions of people worldwide do not live that kind of lifestyle. Rather, life revolves around getting from Point A to Point B via on foot, bicycle, or public transportation. What would church planting then look like with those common transportation realities? Instead of basing strategies and methodologies on a car-based lifestyle, The Multi-Nucleated Church reduces the scale to walkable neighborhoods, districts, city centers, and central cities. The common denominator is truly high-density urban contexts. The Multi-Nucleated Church explores the theoretical framework of constructing an ecclesiology that finds its home in the multi-nucleated high-density mega-global city.
The Multi-Nucleated Church: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Church Planting in High-Density Cities
The Multi-Nucleated Church: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Church Planting in High-Density Cities (Metrospiritual Book Series 2)