Cabbages in the Desert: How God Transformed a Devout Muslim and Catalyzed Disciple Making Movements..

Cabbages in the Desert: How God Transformed a Devout Muslim and Catalyzed Disciple Making Movements..

Aila Tasse is an Alumni and a graduate of BGU 2009. His book was just published titled Cabbages in the desert. 

Are Disciple Making Movements really happening among unreached people groups and Muslims? If so, how are they happening? And what do those movements look like? You’ll find answers to these questions and many more in Cabbages in the Desert, where a devout Muslim teenager meets a kind Christian teacher. Radically transformed then banished from home, Aila receives a vision of unreached peoples coming to Christ through a “vision of cabbages growing in the desert.” 

Find out how and why disciple-making movements, with many generations of disciples, are spreading in over a dozen countries in East, Horn, and Southern Africa, in a variety of social and religious contexts. Discover the vital role of indigenous leaders, and how movements can take root and grow, even among nomadic peoples and oral learners.

Cabbages in the Desert provides inspiration and insight about the dynamics of Disciple Making Movements. It also goes beyond that, encouraging practical application for all who want to see the Lord do similar work in their life and context. It was launch this last month online but official launch will take place on June 12th in Nairobi, Kenya. 

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