A Testimony of God’s Healing by Paulette Brown, EMBA Student
Whom God keeps is well kept

“…enduring stressful job situations, severe menstrual pain, and blackouts, I nearly died. On Sunday morning during Sunday school, I blacked out. After four years of dealing with this, I finally got the help I needed.”

Many times, you may have heard or read that "prayer changes things." This statement is powerful and true.  No matter what your circumstances are, pray and believe it can change, and it will as Mark 11:24 emphasizes.

In February 2020 I started to have stressful days at work and it took a toll on me mentally and emotionally. This affected my physical health and I began to get worse. My menstrual flow was extremely heavy and painful. I was weak, fatigued, my heart would beat like a drum line. Many times, I blacked out. Being a strong prayerful woman, I prayed for peace and pulled myself together. I went to the doctor and was given Trihemic 600mg which made me very nauseated. I got a second opinion and was given Slow Fe 325mg that was fine for me. from my experience, mental and emotional stress can worsen your physical health. Over the months and years, enduring stressful job situations, severe menstrual pain, and blackouts, I nearly died.

On my birthday June 1, while preparing to have dinner with my husband, children, and a few friends, I suddenly felt weak and my heart began to pound. Feeling faint, I lay down on the floor and prayed for peace. I felt a calming presence and soon felt better. However, on Sunday morning during Sunday school, I blacked out. A doctor at the church examined me and summoned an ambulance. My vitals were dropping; my palms turned pale and my pulse was weak. Tests revealed an immediate need for O-positive blood. A friend donated a pint, but it wasn't enough. With no O-positive blood available in the bank, the doctors were unable to assist further. I was discharged and advised to consult a physician of my choosing.

Following extensive checkups and tests, I had to undergo a hysterectomy to remove my uterus due to fibroids. The procedure was a total robotic hysterectomy, but my ovaries were left intact. After four years of dealing with this, I have finally received the necessary help. I hope to return to work in a new department where my contributions are valued and where I can use my skills in a way that honors God, as I am His workmanship. I am recovering well physically, mentally, and emotionally, enjoying a stress-free state. Prayers, family support, and MMC have truly transformed my circumstances. Believe in the power of prayer, as stated in Romans 11:36. Whom God keeps is well kept.

Thank you to Dr. Scholastica Olagunju, Director, Executive MBA Program and the BGU community for reaching out to me every step of the way and allowing me to continue my course while completing payments. Thank you for praying with me through this healing process and making sure I am prepared mentally to continue studying. God has truly chosen BGU for my path to higher education, I appreciate the love, kindness and calls.  As stated in James 5:16, your prayers mattered.

Paulette Brown

EMBA Student