BS. Music Ed, 1980, Duquesne University
M.Div, 1985 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
MS, Education, 1991, Duquesne University
D. Min, 1999, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
Professional Experience: Terry Timm is the lead pastor of Christ Community Church of the South Hills, a missional community of faith in Pittsburgh, PA dedicated to helping people connect with God, one another, and our world. His book, “A Movable Feast: Worship for the Other Six Days,” helps people reduce the Sunday-Monday gap. Terry is a leadership coach and his background in the fields of music, education, theology and leadership fuel his passion of seeing people become everything God intended, created, redeemed, and gifted them to be. Terry is a City Network Leader for Made to Flourish: A Pastors Network for the Common Good. He serves on the board of the Pastors Discipleship Network, an organization committed to training and equipping African pastors and church leaders. Terry serves on the faculty for the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation, an organization that helps leaders work together to transform their cities into places of truth, beauty, goodness, justice, and human flourishing.